Today, we’re asking the question, “Is Seroquel Addictive?” And yes you guessed it, I’m going to share my extensive experience with being a bipolar addict
In AA step 10 is the beginning of the “maintenance” steps. In the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, step 10 reads: “Continued to take personal
Substance abuse at work is a major problem in America today. Due to their high-pressure working environments, many American professionals crave comfort and relief through
It’s possible to have a life after addiction — you just have to know what to do. One important thing to understand about addiction and
Last time I wrote an introduction to what an eating disorder is — I feel it’s only appropriate to show the consequences of eating disorders.
I’ve suffered from an eating disorder for almost 20 years, and I’ve seen all the different types of eating disorders that exist while interacting with
In AA step 9 says we, “Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.” In
In AA step 8 is, “Made a list of all people we have harmed and became willing to make amends to them all.” What scares
In AA, step 6 is one of most misunderstood and misinterpreted of the 12 steps. Step 6 in Alcoholics Anonymous reads, “Were entirely ready to
Is Adderall bad for you? This is a question that you probably asked yourself in college after being up for a couple of days after