Step 1 AA: “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol (and drugs)—that our lives had become unmanageable.” I’m sure we’ve all heard this in meetings
Category: Addiction Blog Posts

The First Stage of My Alcoholism | It Runs in the Family I’m 14. We go to visit my grandmother. She’ll die a few years

Being addicted to Xanax is like living in dark room with a slow strobe light. Wake up. Flash. It’s night time. Wake up. Flash. It’s
Sober living is probably the only reason I made it through the first six months of my sobriety. The environment in most sober living facilities
If you’re wondering what rehab is like, then let me just tell you my personal story about going to rehab. I’ll never forget first time
In the recovery community, we have to grapple with this question all the time: are 12-step groups cults? The answer is complicated. As far as
You’ll hear a lot of reasons why addicts can’t stop doing drugs and why alcoholics can’t stop drinking, but the main reason they can’t stop
Are you sober if you’re on Suboxone? It’s a question that many opioid addicts have to ask themselves, especially when facing the question of eventual
This is my OxyContin addiction story — and it’s rough. I was addicted to OxyContin for 7 years, but my story starts well before I